NVIDIA or AMD Video Card? What’s the Difference?



There are three primary GPU manufacturers: AMD, Intel and NVIDIA. Intel has by far the largest marketshare (more than 60%), but Intel’s GPUs are integrated and are not powerful enough for gaming smoothly. For gaming, you’ll want a card from AMD or NVIDIA.



When it comes to comparing video cards, it’s hard to tell who the clear winner is. Both AMD and NVIDIA have the same end-goal in mind: Deliver smooth and fast visual performance. However, each company takes a different approach to achieving that goal.

amdand NVIDIA – The Battle of Stream Processors

Unlike CPUs, which typically have between 1 and 8 cores, GPUs come with a lot of smaller cores called “stream processors.” While each of these stream processors doesn’t have near as much computing performance as a CPU core, they work together to process visual data much more efficiently, allowing for significantly improved graphical performance.

并非所有流处理器都是一样的。NVIDIA采用的方法是创建更少,更有能力的流处理器,从而允许稍微复杂的计算。这使得Nvidia卡不仅在游戏中,而且在many other data processing applications,例如复杂的财务和信息学。



If you are planning on gaming, there are tons of resources and benchmarks that will compare both NVIDIA and AMD cards in real word gaming situations, such asAnandtech的替补席。您感兴趣的特定游戏的基准是理想的,如果这些游戏不可用的话,请查看具有类似图形的各种游戏的基准测试。有关大多数卡在游戏中的表现的良好概述,请检查一下游戏GPU层次结构。

CPU and GPU Compatibility

在考虑系统兼容性时,一个常见问题是“ AMD/NVIDIA卡可以与Intel/AMD处理器一起使用吗?”幸运的是,您拥有哪种处理器都没关系。AMD视频卡将与Intel和AMD处理器配合使用,而NVIDIA卡也将同样。

但是,对于那些计划利用AMD Crossfire或Nvidia的SLI功能的人来说,有一些考虑因素。Crossfire和SLI允许您同时使用多个GPU,这通常会大大提高可以利用SLI或Crossfire的游戏中的视频性能。在这样的游戏中,添加第二张卡的性能可能会提高70-90%。但是,如果您正在玩的游戏不支持SLI或Crossfire,请保持警惕,因为您不会从第二张卡中获得任何好处。

关于AMD的一个考虑因素:尽管AMD和NVIDIA卡都与任何处理器兼容,但一些低端AMD视频卡可以与AMD的Crossfire中AMD集成的GPU一起使用,从而提供了更好的图形性能。有关更多信息,请查看本指南comparing AMD processors.如果您使用的是预算AMD零件,那么值得研究。

For those who are wanting to use a dual GPU setup, it’s important to verify that the motherboard will support Crossfire (for dual AMD cards) or SLI (for dual NVIDIA cards). Keep in mind that in order to utilize SLI, you must have two identical NVIDIA cards. For Crossfire, you can use two different AMD cards as long as they’re in the same family. For example, you can use Crossfire with a HD 7970 and an HD 7950. It’s always a good idea to research compatibility issues before making a purchase.



最后,AMD和NVIDIA GPU soluti提供ons that will work well in practically any system. Careful planning and research is always key. Whether you plan on building a gaming powerhouse, a professional editing workstation, or a compute system, understanding your GPU options will help you decide which video card is right for you.
