


If you have never heard of theYsgames, I do not blame you. The name is weird, the artistic style is “anime-like”, and the games are not (yet) mainstream. Wikipedia says that there are 7 or 8Ys游戏,但只有3人上可用蒸汽。From those 3, we take a look atYs Origin,该系列的第一场比赛(按时间顺序)。在Ys Origin, you are part of a search party that is looking for a pair of goddesses who are missing/hiding in a tower.


(Expect to be constantly on the run from hordes of monsters)

Ys Origin称自己为RPG,并且位于Steam的RPG部分中,但它确实像动作平台游戏一样扮演:几乎没有角色扮演,还有很多平台和动作。有三个不同的可玩英雄,其中两个是近战,一个范围为。有了您的英雄,您可以在地板上搜寻塔楼,寻找失踪的女神。这些地板有不同的环境,从地牢,熔岩区,沙子陷阱,“紫色邪恶”带和(某种程度上)在塔楼中间的水下层。总共有25个奇数地板,每个楼层都有许多要探索的区域,可以解决的简单难题,还有成群的怪物杀害。怪物的变化很大,具有自己的技能和咒语,如果您不小心,会很快杀死您。大多数游戏玩法都是与这些怪物作斗争的形式,尽管您确实花费了大量时间在平台上跳到平台并导航该区域。每隔几层楼,都会发生一场老板战斗,这些老板的战斗既壮观又困难,很容易使您越过并粉碎玩家的骄傲,直到您学习老板图案并获胜。经过几次恢复(在某些情况下放弃并在第二天再次尝试)后,击败这些老板是游戏中最令人满意的部分。


(Ys Origin是在水下水平上做得很好的罕见游戏之一。)



(One of the more insane bosses. Dodge this!)

Gameplay flaws do exist, though. You often get “stuck” in a floor, where a barrier of some sort impedes your progress. Some item somewhere in the level is needed to remove this barrier, and you need to go around looking for it. This sometimes involves a delicate puzzle or some intricate platforming action, but may also be a silly chore like blowing out or lighting some scattered fires. It feels like the designers purposefully added extra chores to force you to backtrack a bit through certain areas. Another flaw is very apparent after you fight a few bosses: The game can be won through skill, or through grinding. If any boss proves to be too much of a challenge, then you can just go back a little and grind some monsters for an extra level or two, then retry the boss. It would have been better if the bosses were more level independent, as grinding and winning over a previously-difficult boss feels a bit like cheating.



A “flaw” that is not really related to in-game gameplay but more to “wrong label” is that the game is not a true RPG: The game is mostly hack-and-slash, with only a few RPG elements. You do gain experience, level up, and get tougher, but you do not get any choice in what aspects of your hero to level, and you are limited to a total of 3 skills only. Keep that in mind if you are buying this game with the expectation of a proper RPG, as it is an “action RPG” with heavy emphasis on the “action” part. This “wrong label” is a minor issue that we note for the benefit of the reader, and did not affect the score.

Overall, the gameplay is fast, hard, and a thoroughly enjoyable experience, particularly the boss battles. For an 8-year-old game, the gameplay is as fresh as ever.


(Kishgal waxes philosophical.)

The biggest negative issue of the game is the outdated graphics, which feel like something you would find in a Playstation 2 title. It is true that the game was released in December 2006, so it is roughly 8 years old at the time of this review, but unfortunately we do not make allowances for age, and we review all games with a modern (2015) eye. The game’s textures are grainy, blurry, low-resolution affairs. The characters are hand-drawn instead of being proper 3D, and this makes them stand out against the low quality backgrounds. Many of the monsters are copy/pasted and re-coloured. The effects probably looked good on release, but to a modern gamer, they are laughable. In the prettiest areas with the best graphics, the game is just “acceptable”.



Graphics are not just about texture quality, though: In terms of design and aesthetics, the game does quite well. It might even look good on the smaller screens of a handheld device, where graphical flaws are less apparent. Unfortunately, the graphical engine that the game is built on is simply too old for a modern PC, and good aesthetics can only do so much. In all honesty, if you are the type of person who prefers good looking games, give this one a miss.


(Bonus for style!)

Storyline: 3/10
的故事Ys Origin从3个不同的观点可以看出:

- 作为Yunica, an apprentice knight. She is naive and inexperienced, but friendly and likeable. She starts out as a weak fledgling knight who is unsure of her capabilities, but grows stronger and more confident, until she surpasses everyone else around her.

- 作为雨果, an intelligent magician who is haughty, insensitive, rude, arrogant, and a proper jerk. He has his own reasons to desire power, and he is willing to be demonically corrupted in order to achieve his goals. He redeems himself by the end of the game, though.

– Or asThe Claw,与Yunica或Hugo击败游戏后,您解锁的角色。爪子是一个寻求救赎的矛盾的灵魂,但他的道路很困难且在道德上模棱两可。为了使剧透保持最低水平,我们不会进入爪子的观点,但我们会说这是三个中最好的。



不管您扮演谁,都必须搜索塔楼寻找失踪/隐藏的女神。尽管可玩的角色写得很好,但大多数演员都不是很有趣,但大多数老板背后的故事有些沉闷。在游戏中一两个小时,您将遇到大多数角色,您会发现其中大多数都是陈词滥调。您聚会的许多无法播放的角色都是写得不好的占位符,对游戏没有任何情感或影响。当您阅读对话时,他们只能在那里偶尔有不同的面孔。除此之外,它们可以用一两个字来描述:Miuscha是w夫。罗伊是个好男孩。Shion是纸板切口。除了“简单地存在”,在整个游戏中都有几行,迪诺,尤利亚和拉莫纳没有做其他事情,并且可以很容易地从故事中写出来。拮抗剂几乎没有更好,而基什加(在一定程度上也是达勒斯)则是一维和平淡的。 Their dialogue is a variation of “Haha! I am bad. I will kill you now. Prepared to die!” A lot of bosses do not even have a story, as you just stumble upon them and start fighting, or a boss summons them and you start fighting. Epona and Zava are the exception, both having personalities that you can appreciate.


(Nope, did not feel a thing.)

不损害太多的故事,这个故事很弱。失踪/隐藏的女神这样做有薄弱的理由。坏人想抓住这两个女神,以掌握自己的力量并变得更加邪恶。如果您与一个邪恶的小人试图接管世界的任何周六早上的动画片,那么您可以跳过Ys Origin。It is not a terribly written story, but the game is definitely not something to buy for the plot.


(Full plot ofYs Originin two sentences.)

Music is difficult to describe with words, so let us be direct:Ys Originhas some amazing music! This reviewer particularly enjoyed the soundtrack that played in theFlooded Prison,Silent Sands,和Demonic Core。游戏的图形可能还不错,但是音乐仍然很棒。听main theme, and let us know in the comments if you know of a game theme that is as good.



Overall score: 4/10
Ys Origin是一个快节奏的动作游戏好吗gameplay, spectacular boss battles, and great music. Those who want good graphics or a strong storyline are advised to skip this one.


