
tl;drIf you want turn-based tactics, this is one of the best!


Now that the aliens have invaded the earth and started abducting and terrorizing its people, a task force has been set up to defend humanity, to study these aliens, and maybe even to fight back!XCOM:敌人未知让您负责一群精英士兵,并希望您带领他们陷入与不可能的赔率的斗争中。祝你好运,指挥官!



Gameplay: 8/10
XCOM’sgameplay is brilliant! While it is true that turn-based tactics may not be for everyone,XCOM即使对于新手的流派,也可以使游戏变得易于访问和愉快。游戏的机制,控件和UI是考虑了休闲游戏玩家的设计,但它仍然为铁杆提供可靠的体验XCOM退伍军人。该游戏不是100%转弯的策略,而是分为两个截然不同的阶段:

The meat of the game, and its biggest selling point. In a mission, you take a squad of soldiers out into the field to achieve an objective. The objective can be to rescue citizens, to investigate an alien landing, to disarm a bomb, etc. The squad is small (4-6), and the enemies always outnumber you, and often “outgun” you and “outhealth” you as well. This forces you to be very careful with your squad, choosing to go from cover to cover, opting for the best positions, flanking your enemies or sniping them when possible.

You will need to bevery小心,因为不仅仅是试图杀死你的敌方外星人。您必须提防毒药,爆炸汽车,爆炸的尸体,恐慌并开始随机射击的士兵,甚至是士兵,甚至士兵都受到外星人的控制并开始射击自己的队友。为什么需要谨慎?与大多数其他游戏不同,死亡是永久性的,如果死亡的士兵是您的精英之一,则会产生严重的后果。这一事实使这一事实更加复杂:无论选择的困难水平如何,游戏都是不可乐的:这是好的战术,还是士兵的死亡。那是负面的吗?不,这使游戏玩法令人振奋!永久性死亡与持续的危险相结合,使游戏紧张而令人兴奋。如果游戏有凤凰的选择,那么您的战术选择背后的主要推动力将消失,并且游戏将变得平淡。在XCOM, death comes easily, and death has an impact!


(Standard mission. The commander is asking MacDonald to take cover.)

你有很多的选择当谈到你bring to the fight. The soldiers come in four classes: Assault, Heavy, Sniper and Support. You are free to bring as many or as few of each class as you like, depending on what you are comfortable with. As the soldiers gain ranks, they unlock new abilities, which allows you to customize both the soldier and the squad to suit your playing style. You can choose to have a squad that is loaded with RPGs and grenades, to obliterate the aliens en masse. You can go for a sly “invisible” approach, where you walk up to the enemy and unload justice before they have a chance to see you and react. You can opt for more snipers to kill the aliens before they get close enough to hit back. As long as you take the time to plan your tactics right, any strategy can work.

With regards to the missions inXCOM,我们赞扬Firaxis发行了多年来最令人满意的游戏之一。


(Is there an enemy within these doors? When will we see the end of this long war?)

2-Base management
管理总部是游戏的另一半(可悲的是)不像任务那样令人兴奋,尽管它非常愉快。在XCOM总部,有很多事情要做。如果您希望获胜,则需要研究外星技术,因为与外星人的挥舞相比,您的起始装甲和武器很虚弱。外星人正在运行AMOK并在全球引起恐慌,因此您需要发射卫星以查看动作在哪里。您需要停在全球范围内的战斗机来阻止不明飞行物。您的士兵需要一个训练的地方(即升级排名和技能),如果受伤,请恢复自治。在前往战斗之前,需要制造武器和装甲,需要配备士兵。所有这些任务显然并不像您冒着士兵生命的任务那样“有趣”或“令人兴奋,紧张和危险”,但是游戏在使基础管理成为游戏中可行而重要的一部分方面做得很好。XCOM:敌人未知is a continuous series of “dangerous missions to get your heart rate up” followed by “base management to cool you down”.


(Late game base, normal difficulty.)

基地管理比赛的一部分就是长term strategy is executed. To win the game you need to defeat the aliens, and sinceXCOMis “humanity’s first and only line of defense”, the way you manage your base will determine whether or not you succeed. It is entirely possible to win all your missions, but still fail to manage theXCOM总部充分,因此失去了游戏。如果您观看了预告片,并对游戏的“动作部分”感到兴奋,请务必注意,基本管理人员在游戏中起着至关重要的作用,因此不要期望您可以忽略它。

A full game would take anywhere between 20-30 hours, depending on what difficulty you chose and whether or not you have played the game before. The game has good replay value, as your first playthrough will be full of mistakes that you will want to avoid in your next playthroughs. If you enjoy the game, you will want to try out the higher difficulty levels, which offer a serious challenge, even to hardened veterans.

We have a lot of praise for the game, and you might be wondering: DoesXCOMhave perfect gameplay? No. As much as this reviewer enjoyed the game, there are a few major flaws and many minor flaws, both in the missions and during base management. We take a look at a few of these, noting which flaws are objective, but leaving it to the reader to decide if some of the more subjective points are really negatives, or if they actually add flavour to the game.


-Subjective: The “chance to hit” feels like a lie. It is infuriating to miss multiple “90%+” shots in a row, particularly when you are firing at point blank range. How can the soldiers miss hitting an enemy that is standing right next to them?

- 目标:士兵有时具有最奇怪的瞄准动画,尤其是在使用Medikits时。

- 主体:士兵只能携带一个实用物品,严重限制了您的战术选择。情况变得更糟,因为许多项目是“每次战斗的使用限制”,而您只有4-6的小队。只有在晚期游戏中,当某些士兵可以携带两项或多次使用物品时,这将变得越来越少。

-Objective: The automatic camera controls are wonky. In missions where there are multi-story buildings, the camera does not always do a good job of showing you what level you are seeing, or what is being shown and what is being obscured by the fog of war.



2-Base management flaws

-Subjective: A serious issue is that the game is much, much harder in the beginning than it is towards the end. There are many challenges that make the early game very tense, such as multiple abductions, lack of resources, global panic, low aim, lack of “continental perks,“ and so on. When you solve these challenges, you would expect that they would be replaced by new ones to keep the game “dangerous,” but that does not happen. This reviewer was happy that the plan-ruining “multiple abduction” scenarios were gone by the late game, but was sad to see all other challenges go with them. You would expect a game to be more challenging as you progress, butXCOM只会变得更容易。

- 目标:管理士兵设备是不必要的。让我们做一些应该非常简单的事情:将特定的枪从一个士兵到另一名士兵:

  1. 首先去军营
  2. 然后查看所有士兵
  3. 然后单击士兵的名字思考有枪
  4. 如果那是拿着正确枪支的正确士兵,好吧。如果没有
  5. 现在进入那个士兵的负担
  6. 现在取消枪支
  7. Go back to the soldier list, find the NEW soldier that you want to give this gun to
  8. 进入新士兵的负担
  9. Give the gun to the new soldier




- 目标:游戏的一部分正在推出拦截器来与外星人的工艺作战。这是一种令人眼花earn乱的人,并且在游戏中实现了不佳。游戏的所有其他方面都执行得很好,但是“战斗机拦截”不是。感觉就像是游戏的最后一刻,并且与任务游戏玩法相比,质量要低得多。


(Who thought that this was a good idea?)


该游戏是一个多平台标题,可在PC上,Xbox 360和PS3以及Android和iOS上获得。检查一些YouTube游戏视频显示,当您比较PC版本和控制台时,游戏的视觉效果没有太大差异。因此,请记住,图形仅是控制台层,并且在那一代较旧的游戏机上。


(Game looks OK – when viewed from afar.)



(If you thought those “life-like” robots looked creepy, you will loveXCOM’s职员。)

So when the game is zoomed in, it looks quite bad, but what about normal view? When the camera view is normal, the game looks fine. Your missions will take you to (moderately) varied locations, from suburbs and industrial zones, to forests and alien ships. These locations are designed quite well, which is an achievement for randomly generated missions. The soldiers, weapons, and armour are all designed nicely. The aliens are very alien, and look quite menacing, especially the Mutons.

游戏的视觉效果不会给您留下深刻的印象,但是您也不会失望。XCOM:敌人未知needs an “HD Texture pack” upgrade, and is certainly a game that deserves it. Firaxis, hear our plea!



Storyline: 5/10

  1. 充其量是可以接受的。
  2. 故事情节的平庸并没有伤害游戏。

Like many other nonlinear games (Civilization comes to mind), the storyline takes second place to good gameplay. InXCOM,您有四个非玩家角色,以及一些特定的任务或事件来推动故事。您可以自由选择不向前发展故事,游戏必须适应这个,使故事情节必然是肤浅的。虽然我们努力使故事情节部分尽可能自由剧透,但这几乎是不可能的XCOM:EU,因为几乎没有什么可破坏的。


(No spoilers here.)

The characters:

  • 军官。为您工作。
  • 科学家医生。冷和计算。
  • 老年工程师。建立您负担得起的任何东西。
  • The councilman. He represents… the council… that oversees… your progress.






  • Why is the council so mysterious?
  • 在final mission, instead of explaining the aliens’ motives properly, you get an end boss that whines for an hour! Non stop.
  • XCOMis humanity’s first and ONLY line of defense. Why is your starting squad composed of just 4 people? Are you expected to defeat an alien invasion with 4 soldiers?
  • 如果恐慌变得太大,尤其是因为您的成功取决于资金,那么各国威胁要退出该计划是没有意义的。如果城市的警察因训练或设备不足而没有做好控制犯罪的良好工作,那么该城市是否只是关闭警察并不做,或者投资升级部队?
  • 为什么我可以向黑市销售,而不能从黑市购买?

There are plenty of other minor issues with the storyline, and many of them are a bit humorous in nature. So the storyline may not be that intellectually stimulating, but at least you will get a laugh or a smile.

Overall, the story is acceptable, but only just, and you can skip most of it without missing much. Because the game does not centre around the storyline, the low story score did not affect our overall score of the game.

Audio: 5/10


(End game cinematics.)

Overall score: 7/10
For fans of turn-based tactics,XCOM:敌人未知is a must buy. For everyone else, this is a very good game! Well worth the full price, and highly recommended when on sale.


This is strictly a review ofXCOM:敌人未知, not the Enemy Within DLC, or the Long War mod.
