
If you’re anything like us, then the graphics card is your favorite part of a computer. Graphics cards let your computer do awesome things like super complex computations, physics processing, and most importantly, producing shiny graphics in games.



Similarly to how the CPU is the brain of the computer, the GPU is the brain of the graphics card. The GPU是专业人士electronic circuit旨在快速操纵和改变记忆以加速图像的创建。



但是出于我们的目的,我们将讨论离散的GPUs, meaning the dedicated graphics cards you buy if you want to do really fun stuff with your PC. When it comes to discrete graphics cards, the two big names are NVIDIA and AMD.

在我们的办公室里,我们从AMD的《 200》系列中拿出了两张图形卡。我们有Radeon R7 270X和R9 290。


First, let’s discuss the R7 270X. It has 2 GB of video RAM, 1,280 stream processors, and a clock speed of 1,050 megahertz. It’s currently considered a solid mid-range graphics card.

Next, the R9 290. It has4视频RAM的GB,2,560个流处理器和947 Megahertz的时钟速度。目前,这被认为是中高范围的图形卡。

So, video RAM, stream processors, clock speed… what do these numbers all mean? Should you understand the specs, or just go with the most expensive graphics card you can afford?

Generally speaking, the best way to decide the right graphics card for you is to look at real-world gaming benchmarks, but we’ll get that in a few minutes. For now, let’s talk specs.


Video RAM is mainly important for loading the textures and images that make up the game you’re playing on your screen. All of that data takes up VRAM, and it gets especially taxing on VRAM as you increase your game resolution, which we’ll also touch on in a minute.


分享很棒,对吗?好吧,并非总是如此。在VRAM试图与System RAM共享数据时,共享是不好的。

Any time you’re playing a game and your graphics card runs out of available VRAM, it causes huge hits to performance. If you’ve ever been playing a game that turns in – to – slide – show – mode, your graphics card may not have had enough VRAM.


Oh, right. We should probably talk about resolution.

Every computer display is made up of tiny elements called pixels. Your resolution determines the number of pixels that will appear on your screen. More pixels equals more visual detail, resulting in crisper, clearer images.

Here’s a size comparison of common computer resolutions:



在像4K这样的分辨率上生产大量的游戏像素需要大量的VRAM,这意味着您将需要一张高端图形卡以4K分辨率播放。In short: 2 GB is enough to play most PC games at 1080p, 4 GB is better for playing really demanding games at 1080p or most games at 1440p, and you’ll probably want 6 or more GB of VRAM to even attempt a demanding PC game at 4K resolution, unless you don’t mind your framerate resembling a slideshow.


流处理器(AMD)或者库达核心(nvidia)are the processors in the GPU that perform the computations to produce images on the screen. They can also be used to do other types of complex mathematics and number-crunching, such as mining cryptocurrency or modeling weather patterns.

GPU时钟速度refers to the speed of the GPU. Generally speaking, higher speeds mean that the card performs tasks faster and produces a higher framerate when gaming. But like with CPUs, the clock speed is relative to each family of GPUs, so you can’t compare the clock speed of this GPU and assume it will get things done faster or slower than a GPU from NVIDIA with a different clock speed.

为了更好地理解GPU的性能和定性ties, you should check all of its specs, and there are a lot of them.

但是,如果您想对一个GPU的性能进行非常粗略的估计,则可以将流处理器数量乘以时钟速度。因此,例如,如果我们乘以270x的流处理器和时钟速度,我们将获得(1,280 x 1050)13亿。与290相比,在(2560 x 947)24亿中,我们可以肯定地假设290X比270X强大,即使270X的时钟速度更高。


通常,确定正确的视频卡的最佳和最简单方法是咨询现实世界的游戏基准。基准测量基于每秒帧或FPS,这是系统每秒呈现的游戏图像数量。较高的帧速率更好,当PC游戏时,60 fps是一个很好的框架,尽管节奏较慢的游戏可以舒适地降低到20 fps左右,而快节奏的游戏可以从比60 fps更高的帧率中受益。

To demonstrate how you can compare graphics cards through gaming benchmarks, let’s look at some benchmarks fromTechSpot对于巫师3,目前非常苛刻的游戏。

Here are the framerates at 1080p on Ultra quality. We can see the NVIDIA GTX 980 averages 56 FPS, while our AMD R9 290 averages 36. The 270X can only squeak out 14 FPS, which is essentially unplayable.


上升到1440p分辨率,帧率下降到GTX 980上的40 fps。对于290,我们看到下降到28,但仍可以播放,但远离理想的60多个fps。同时,270倍处于10 fps的完整幻灯片模式。




4K is a demanding resolution for The Witcher 3. Two GTX 980s averages 42 FPS at 4K resolution. Even the GTX Titan X, with its 12 gigabytes of VRAM, can only manage 36 FPS at 4K, while a single GTX 980 gets 26.


In those 4K Witcher benchmarks, the best performance came from two GTX 980s which were operating in the same system. Assuming you have a compatible motherboard and power supply, a PC can have as many as 4 graphics cards working together to split up the graphical workload.


这是战场4在1440p和4k上的表演的例子pcper.com)。您会注意到,四个GTX 980的表现实际上比三个表现差,因为添加第四张卡的复杂性超过了其提供的额外马力。






And when they’re under a high performance load, the fans on graphics cards can quickly become the noisiest thing in your computer. If you would like to keep your computer quiet, you’ll want to compare noise levels of different cards. Noise is a tricky thing to compare, because it’s difficult to measure consistently. You’ll have to find third party benchmarks to get useful noise measurements, and they won’t be directly comparable with noise benchmarks from different people.

以下是硬件.info的比较,显示了不同GTX 970和980s的负载噪声水平。较低的数字意味着较少的嘈杂。经验法则是,10分贝的差异听起来大约是大约两倍,因此最大的GTX 970超过大声两倍as the quietest GTX 970.

In conclusion, if you’re shopping for a new graphics card, we highly recommend familiarizing yourself with each card’s specs, comparing benchmarks, and checking out recommendations from reliable sources.


In conclusion, if you’re shopping for a new graphics card, we highly recommend familiarizing yourself with each card’s specs, comparing benchmarks, and checking out recommendations from reliable sources.



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