The Biggest Challenges of Building a PC (and How to Solve Them)


You’ve got all your PC parts together. How do you ensure building them is a smooth process? Start by reading this.


When building a PC, there are definitely certain parts that are harder than others. Here, we describe four of the most challenging aspects of building a PC (suggested by our social media communities onFacebookand推特),,,,and then provide some tips for how to avoid them.


对于许多人来说,安装CPU冷却器可能特别具有挑战性。尤其是较大的CPU冷却器,它们很麻烦,笨拙且难以安装。它们通常涉及将螺柱穿过主板和盒子,然后在主板后面安装螺母,以将冷却器固定在适当的位置,甚至连接冷却器。更重要的是,此过程与每个冷却器都不同,这意味着没有一种适合所有技术的技术 - 您需要阅读特定冷却器的说明,以确保做对了。而且,如果还不够糟糕,将热糊剂添加到过程中可能会造成一团糟。

When we asked the community for input,ŽanPerkowas fairly impassioned in his hate for CPU coolers, saying: “F****** CPU COOLER. That enormous heat sink is so f****** awkward, I just can’t get over it.”

Adam Boyd也很难过,说:“我把H55冷却器拧紧了太多,因为它只是继续前进,我不希望它放松。我走了一段时间,听到了巨大的裂纹噪音……每个四分之一的夜间都是一场噩梦……我的冷却器推出了我的侧面面板的边缘,因为没有一致的规格图表或列表显示您需要多少空间……”

李提示:仔细检查凉爽尺寸的尺寸小于您选择的情况所支持的较低尺寸。仔细检查冷却器和盒子的尺寸规格。您绝对不想在家门口获得新的212 EVO,并发现它不适合您的系统!此外,拥有安装CPU冷却器的人的好视频指南可能非常有帮助。安装图可能会令人困惑,并且跟随它使其变得更加容易。另外,除非您想进行冗长的清理工作,否则不要涂抹一点点的热糊剂。(示例资源:如何安装超212 EVO视频



Aleksandr Bregin说:“每次,对我来说,最困难的部分是将所有这些小针线系(USB,LD,冷却器)放在正确的引脚上。永远不明白什么地方。”

Ethan Kelly认为有线电视管理是“完全可以处理的完整的B ****,然后经过所有的辛勤工作,您意识到您需要重新安排一半的东西,这会破坏您的所有辛勤工作。”

李提示:大量的布线问题可以通过观看了good video guide on building a PC and/or PC cable management. By following along with an experienced builder, you’ll be able to repeat most everything need to connect. Before you go in, make sure you are aware of which wires are long and which are short, so you can avoid doing any rewiring later. Most modern cases also allow for good cable management by routing wires through the back side. Additionally, after all is said and done, twist ties do wonders with cable management! Group wires together and push them to the side until you have a neat, gorgeous PC. (Resources:PC电缆管理101博客文章,,,,Newegg’s How to Build a PC video


Mounting a motherboard can be a real pain. Sometimes it can take a frustrating few minutes to line it up with the case stand-offs in the first place, and getting the screws to go in properly can be a struggle. It can also sometimes feel like you are forcing it, even if it is being installed properly, and the worry of breaking things while building a PC is always very prevalent. Plus, this is one of the most important aspects to get right, because a misplaced standoff has the potential to fry your motherboard when you turn on the PC for the first time.

当我们问社区时Alex Sempfsaid that “Forgetting to pop in the I/O plate before installing the motherboard and the rest of your entire build” is a problem he has had in the past.

马克·菲利普斯said that “My first time my biggest issues were setting in the motherboard [and the] CPU cooler.”

李提示:Make sure you pop in your I/O plate before installing the motherboard! Few PC mistakes are more painful than having to re-mount the entire board because of the I/O plate. Video guides are also quite helpful here, as seeing someone install the board makes it easier to visualize what you have to do. Otherwise, make sure that you have your board properly aligned with the standoffs before installation! If you feel it’s necessary, double or triple check that you don’t have a misplaced standoff.



约书亚said “我只是负担不起的钻机。”尽管高端计算机可能很昂贵,但通过研究,可以在预算中找到一个好的系统。

缺口added that “As a first timer, the most frustrating thing for me is learning the difference from all the parts. I have no idea what one part does or if its better than another part.”

李提示:我们以逻辑上beplay软件的增量希望能带来一些痛苦的研究beplay软件逻辑增量零件列表,对PC组件进行排名。我们的向导,例如Building a PC for VRor建造守望先锋的PC,显示出您需要某些目的或特定游戏所需的组件。但是,我们确实会积极鼓励个人研究!您可以创建一个比我们的一般建议更好地为自己个性化的构建。


